A group of villagers are seen wading through chest-deep water, carrying a corpse on their shoulders, in a heart-breaking video from a village in Karnataka. The scene highlights a recurring problem of this village, which falls under the constituency of state home minister Araga Jnanendra.
Deaths are devastating for loved ones left behind, but in this village, the residents dread it more so during monsoon season.
The roads leading to the cemetery in Kodlu village in Shivamogga district get flooded every time it rains, complain the residents. According to them, the roads are under water during the span of monsoon season.
They have been requesting for a solution for many months now but they haven't been provided with any help by the authorities so far.
Torrential rain has been battering several parts of Karnataka since the onset of monsoon. There have been reports of several lakes getting breached and low-lying areas getting inundated in many districts of north and south interior Karnataka.