The police have launched a probe into a case of eleven Keralites, including children from two families, reported missing from Dubai since June 15.
"We have received a complaint from one Abdul Hameed about six members of his daughter's family having gone missing. We are also investigating a case of five missing persons from another family," said Kasargod district police chief A Srinivas.
He said Abdul Hameed of Mundamkulam area has filed a complaint stating that his daughter Naseena, 25, her husband Sawad, 32, and their three children aged between eleven months and six years and Sawad's second wife Rahanath, 22, have gone missing, as he could not contact them for the last 15 days.
Mr Hameed himself, however, informed the police later that he had received news two days back that all of them are safe in Yemen, said a sub-inspector, probing the case.
We are ascertaining their exact whereabouts, he added.
The family had gone to Dubai two years back, he said.
Though no complaint was received about the other family, of Anangoor Kollambadi Ansar, his wife and three children, the police have started a probe based on information given by Mr Hameed, the SI added.