Kerala on Thursday said it would bring the antibody tests from the hotspots and make it random - picking subjects from specified professions that are in contact with a large section of people. The idea is to check if the virus has reached the third stage of transmission.
"Random antibody test will be conducted among the police, health officials, online/door delivery persons and guest laborers. This is to ensure there is no community spread in the country," Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan told reporters on Thursday.
Kerala has shown excellent results in curbing the spread of the virus during the lockdown, in its efforts to flatten the curve.
The state is now ready for the next phase - random tests to check on community transmission - where the chain of infection becomes untraceable.
Few states have so far conducted random testing, given the huge shortage of test kits. The Indian Council of Medical Research had recently started random test on patients with respiratory illnesses epecially those suffering from SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Illness) at some hospitals.
On basis of these tests, the top medical body had initially said there was no community transmission. But data later showed a small percentage of infections where the source could not be traced.
It is however, not yet clear how the state plans to conduct the tests. The Indian Council of Medical Research has ruled out random tests through the RT-PCR method, saying it is not cost effective. The test, which has to be conducted at laboratories, is also time consuming, requiring at least six hours for results.
The Rapid Test kits sent by the Indian Council of Medical Research for testing in coronavirus hotspots have allegedly proved faulty.
Kerala was one of the three states unhappy with the Rapid Test Kits imported from China. Following complaints by Rajasthan that the kits were giving faulty results, the Indian Council of Medical Research has asked states to stop using the Rapid Test Kits till the matter is resolved.
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