Senior Kerala BJP leader K Surendran who was taken into custody from the Sabarimala base camp town nearly three weeks back for breaking a security cordon, on Friday secured bail from the Kerala High Court.
The court also asked for a Rs two lakh surety amount as it discharged him in a case involving an attack on a 52-year-old woman, who had arrived at the Sabarimala temple to take part in a ritual of her grandson.
The BJP General Secretary though was picked up on November 17 from Pamba town for breaking a police cordon, was later given a jail time of 20 days as the police reopened 15 other previous cases registered against him for various offenses, including eight in which his arrest warrants were pending.
Kerala High Court grants bail to BJP state general secretary @surendranbjp. He was imprisoned for the past 20 days on being arrested on his way to #Sabarimala.
- BJP KERALAM (@BJP4Keralam) December 7, 2018
Mr Surendran who had earlier secured bail in all the other cases, on Friday secured bail in the woman-attack case that enabled him to walk out of jail.
The BJP leader had been housed at the Central jail in Thiruvananthapuram till now. He was asked by the court not to entre the Pathanamthitta district -- where the Lord Ayyappa shrine is located and also surrender his passport.
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