Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has extended the lockdown in Kerala till June 16. The Chief Minister's office said on Twitter that the essential services will be exempted and there will be a "complete lockdown on June 12 and 13."
The selling of commodities like stationary, Jewelry, footwear, will be allowed between 7 am to 7 pm on 11th June. Banks in the state will be allowed to open on alternate days in this period.
From June 17, government offices, public sector units and local body offices will be allowed to function with 50 per cent staff.
"Lockdown extended till 16 June all over Kerala. Complete lockdown on 12 and 13 June. Stores selling essential commodities, raw materials for industries (including packaging), construction materials and banks will continue to function as they do now," the Chief Minister's office tweeted.
During the lockdown period, additional enhanced stringent restrictions will be imposed on June 12 and June 13 - the weekend, a state government order said.
The state today 9,313 fresh COVID-19 infections 221 deaths. The state has 1,47,830 active coronavirus cases at present. The cumulative recoveries reached 24,83,992 while the death count stands at 10,157.