This Article is From Feb 02, 2018

"No One Cared," Says Actress Sanusha Santosh Who Fought Molester On Train

Kerala Written by


  • Sanusha Santosh said she stood up to man who tried to molest her
  • The alleged molestor has been charged, sent to custody for 14 days
  • The incident occurred early morning on the Maveli Express train in Kerala
Thiruvananthapuram: Showing courage and presence of mind, a 23-year-old actress stood up to a man who she says tried to molest her on a train and held on to the accused till help finally arrived. The incident happened in the early hours of today in two-tier air-conditioned coach of the Maveli Express that runs between Mangaluru Central and Thiruvananthapuram. 

Sanusha Santosh, who has acted in South Indian movies, told NDTV that she was shocked to have opened her eyes and found a man rubbing his hand against her lips. Ms Santosh had boarded the train at Kannur; had an upper berth and was sleeping.

"I opened my eyes as I felt something against my lips. I was shocked to see a man's hand. I held on to his hand and twisted his fingers. I tried reaching out to a person in the berth below me for help but he didn't bother. I was shouting but no one cared to respond. This happened around 1.10 am. Just two people, scriptwriter Unni and another passenger, Renjith, came forward to help," she said. 

As the two men went to look for the TTE or the Train Ticket Examiner,  Ms Santosh says she didn't allow the alleged molester to move. "Once the TTE came and got the information, he called the next railway station and the railway police were informed. When we reached Thrissur half an hour later, the railway police arrested him. I gave my statement and continued my journey to Thiruvananthapuram in the same train," Ms Santosh told NDTV. 

Anto Bose, the alleged molester, who has been booked on charges of outraging the modesty of a woman, has been sent to custody for 14 days.