The BJP in Kerala has declared Sunday as a day of protest, a day after a party leader was detained while he was on his way to the hill-top shrine of Lord Ayyappa at the Sabarimala temple on Saturday. The BJP is blocking highways in Kerala. The Sabarimala shrine of Lord Ayyappa nestled in the Western Ghats opened for the third time on Friday after the Supreme Court in September overturned a decades-old ban on entry of women between 10 and 50 years. The 62-day-long Mandala Pooja-Magaravilaku annual pilgrimage began on Saturday morning amid heavy police deployment. Kerala BJP's general secretary K Surendran and his party workers were blocked at Nilakkal base camp and asked to return. When Mr Surendran refused, he was taken away in a police vehicle. His detention was described as a "preventive measure" by the police.
Here are the updates on the Sabarimala temple issue:
Condemning the police action against "peacefully agitating" devotees, he said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will extend all possible assistance to the protesters to protect the hill shrine from the "hidden agenda of atheists".
Mr Pillai said the BJP and Sangh Parivar will expand the ongoing agitation against the state government's "hasty move" to implement the Supreme Court verdict, permitting entry of women of all age groups into the temple, to other parts of the country, according to PTI.
"What is going in Kerala (over Sabarimala) is a fight between devotees and atheists," he told PTI.
"BJP workers will continue to join the devotees' protest if any woman in the menstrual age group tries to enter the temple. The devotees have so far succeeded in preventing such women from breaking the custom," he said.
The Kerala BJP unit chief said the government did not permit the Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB), which administers the shrine, to file a review petition against the top court's September 28 order, according to a PTI report.
"It was the Hindu faithful who launched an agitation against the state government. They all hit the streets against the government's move to destroy the unique nature of the temple and Lord Ayyappa faith in the name of the Supreme Court verdict. We just extended our support to them," he said.
Two Congress MLAs Adoor Prakash and VS Shiva Kumar inspected amenities at Sabarimala.
The lawmakers said that Sabarimala pilgrims are disappointed about amenities and said devotees are declining. Amenities for Sabarimala devotees ought to be improved, they said. Police Raj at Sabarimala. Government should withdraw police, they said.
The BJP in Kerala has declared Sunday as a day of protest, a day after a party leader was detained while he was on his way to the hill-top shrine of Lord Ayyappa at the Sabarimala temple on Saturday.
- NDTV (@ndtv) 18 November 2018
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