Four days after the doors of the Sabarimala temple in Kerala opened after the Supreme Court stepped in to overturn a nearly three-decade-old ruling formalising a ban on women of menstruating age. Today, two women in their early forties who started walking towards the Sabarimala temple today were stopped by protesters 200 metres from the base camp Pamba. Vasanthi, 41, and Aadhiseshi, 42, said the protesters surrounded them, blocked their way and forced them to return to the base camp. Yesterday, another women arrived at Pamba, attempting to enter the temple. However, Manju, general secretary of the Kerala Dalit Mahila Federation was told that no police protection will be provided until background check is done to verify if she was an activist. The decision is likely to be announced today. Police sources said the woman has a few cases against her and alleged links to a radical organisation.
Manju's plan for the trek was also thwarted after heavy rains in the area. If she is given the security she will succeed in entering the temple to script history. No woman in this age group between 10 and 50 years have made it to the temple.
Here are the highlights of the Sabarimala temple opening:
The BJP on Sunday announced that it will launch a one-month long campaign across Kerala against the Supreme Court verdict that allowed women of all age groups to enter the Sabarimala Temple.
K Surendran, Kerala BJP General Secretary said, "There will be a month-long Sabarimala Aiyyappa Samrakshnaye Abhiyaan (Save Sabarimala Campaign) across Kerala. We will be going to every single booth, will visit every house and tell people about the importance of the sanctity of Sabarimala Temple."
Balamma ,in late 40s from Andhra,falls unconscious, as protesters gather around her and block her after she treks almost 4 kms from Pamba, nearing #Sabarimala. It's protesters who checked her ID/age. Taken in Ambulance to Pamba. Earlier today, 2 women frm Andhra returned. @ndtv
- Sneha Koshy (@SnehaMKoshy) October 21, 2018
Only eight women below 50 have tried to walk to the temple since Wednesday when it opened after the Supreme Court last month overturned a centuries-old ban on women between 10 and 50 years entering Sabarimala. Not a single woman has managed to reach the hilltop shrine.
- J Sam Daniel Stalin (@jsamdaniel) October 20, 2018
Manju a young woman dalit leader from Kerala could trek to Sabarimala. A few others have unsuccessfully tried over the last few days as devotees, assigned men & temple priests oppose entry of women in menstrual age. Its pouring but men wait at entrance to stop her.