This Article is From Aug 31, 2016

As Canonisation Nears, Debate On Whether St Teresa Of Calcutta Or Kolkata

Kolkata Written by
Kolkata: In life, Mother Teresa always made headlines. Even on the eve of her sainthood, she is causing a stir. On Sunday, she will be proclaimed Saint Teresa of Calcutta. But Kolkata wants to know, why not Saint Teresa of Kolkata?

West Bengal has just changed its name to Bengal and this is no laughing matter.

"The Archdiocese is historically known as the Archdiocese of Calcutta. So we are calling her Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Changing to Kolkata is very complicated. Calcutta High Court, Calcutta University have also not changed names," said the Archbishop of Calcutta Thomas D'Souza.

Those who knew Mother Teresa are divided, even a little confused. Sunita Kumar, a close associate of Missionaries of Charity and Mother Teresa, says she is adding a chapter to her book on Mother Teresa and calling her of Kolkata.

"The British have left, the accent is gone," she says, "so why Calcutta?"

39-year-old Gautam Lewis, found by Mother Teresa, sheltered and later given in adoption, has come down to Kolkata from London for the sainthood and is confused. "I would like St Teresa of Kolkata but the city's name change is recent. She came to Calcutta. So..." he trails off, unsure.

Those who didn't know her are in the same boat. "Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She is the face of Calcutta," says a young woman. Her friend says, "No, I like Kolkata much better."

There is another twist in the tale. Kolkata is so used to calling her Mother Teresa, it may be hard to drop the term of endearment. So she may well become Saint Mother Teresa of the world.