This Article is From Jun 10, 2013

College student's gang-rape, murder stuns Kolkata

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Kolkata : The gang-rape and murder of a young college student barely 20 km from Kolkata has shocked the city. The neighbourhood of Kamdoni, where her body was found by her parents on Friday night, is tense after angry protests over the weekend. Residents attacked police vehicles and the Rapid Action Force had to be called in on Friday night to control the situation.

Sources say that the student's post-mortem shows that she was hit hard on the head with a blunt object and her femur or thigh bone was broken due to the force with which she was attacked.

The 20-year-old was on her way home from college after an exam when she was apparently dragged into a walled compound by a group of men, raped and then killed.  Six people have been arrested so far. A hunt is on for more people who may have been involved.

Residents in her neighbourhood say they had complained about deteriorating law and order problems in the area, but the police ignored them. The MP from the area, Haji Nurul Islam who belongs to the Trinamool, was heckled when he tried to visit the family on Saturday. His vehicle was also smashed.

A Trinamool minister, Jyotipriyo Mallick, was also heckled when he visited the area and offered money to the girl's family. Mr Mallick has promised to take the student's family to chief minister Mamata Banerjee either on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The attack and death of the college student follow the rape of an Irish tourist earlier this month in Kolkata. The 21-year-old was admitted to hospital over the weekend after an overdose of prescription drugs. (Read: Irish tourist hospitalised for drug overdose in Kolkata)

The police refused to comment on whether she had attempted suicide.

A businessman has been arrested for her rape.
