Rajeev Kumar, the Kolkata top cop, who was questioned by the CBI in connection with the Saradha and Rose Valley scam cases, was transferred today as Additional Director General (ADG) and Inspector General of Police (IGP) Crime Investigation Department or CID. Rajeev Kumar was the police chief of Kolkata for three years and his transfer was due before the general elections scheduled in May, said sources.
Anuj Sharma, a 1991 batch IPS officer, has taken over from Rajeev Kumar as the new police chief of the city. Earlier, he was the Additional Director General (law and order) of West Bengal Police.
The change of guard in Kolkata Police comes just days after Rajeev Kumar returned from Shillong, after a five-day grilling by the CBI in chit fund scam - a case that he was overseeing as head of the special investigation team.
Rajeev Kumar had appeared before the probe agency after the Supreme Court had directed him to "faithfully" cooperate in the investigation of the cases arising out of the Saradha chit fund scam. The top court had also ordered that no coercive action can be taken against Rajeev Kumar and he cannot be arrested.
The CBI had moved the Supreme Court after its officials were stopped by the Kolkata Police, when they had gone to the former police chief's official residence to question him on February 3.
Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had rushed to the spot and staged a three-day sit-in protest against the CBI's move, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah of misusing the CBI to plot a "coup".
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