Actress Medha Shankr appeared as a breath of fresh air in the much-loved Vidhu Vinod Chopra film 12th Fail and won hearts across the country. The actress, who has previously worked in successful shows like Beecham House and Dil Bekaraar looked radiant and gorgeous in minimal makeup in the film that is based on the real-life story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and his wife Shraddha Joshi. While there is much to love about her on-screen looks, her off-screen fashion statements are also a sight to behold. The actress has an enviable collection of ethnic looks that are gorgeous yet achievable. For instance, for the promotion of her film, Medha Shankr stepped out in an ivory and gold lehenga set from the shelves of Mazdin. The lehenga featured panels with piping and Gota scallop inserts and a border with embroidery in gota and zardozi technique. The blouse had a choli cut with piping as well as gold and silver embellishments. She paired the set with a silk organza dupatta that came with sun-inspired motifs. Medha went for a no-makeup-makeup look with clean skin, brown lips and a bindi. For accessories, she went with large traditional gold earrings. She simply tied her hair in a bun.
Also Read: Sheetal Thakur's Traditional Red Lehenga Is Beyond Dreamy
On another occasion, Medha Shankr proved that less is more in an ivory and gold saree by Sawan Gandhi. The saree with sequins on the border featured Chikankari work on the palla. Medha paired it with a modest dull gold sleeveless blouse with a plunging neckline. She once again tied her hair in a bun and opted for a minimal makeup look with just colour on her lips. For jewellery, she chose jhumkas and white stone-encrusted bangles.
Keeping it simple, Medha Shankr was also spotted in a delicate lilac floor-length, full-sleeve kurta that she paired with matching churidar and dupatta. The dupatta featured floral embroidery along its scalloped length. The keyhole detail on the front neckline was further enhanced by a tassel tie-up. Medha opted for dainty gold jhumkas, wavy hair and simple makeup.
Before that, on the occasion of Diwali, Medha Shankr stepped out in an angarkha kurta set from Mazdin again. The pink and yellow number featured floral sequin work all along its length. A matching dupatta with scalloped edges completed the look. With a dewy base, flushed cheeks and a touch of brown on the lips, Medha glowed. For accessories, she chose jhumkas and Kolhapuri heels.
We cannot get over how lovely Medha looked in this bright orange saree that used sequin work sparing. She paired the predominantly plain saree with an orange blouse that features hints of silver thread work. She once again opted for a clean base with flushed cheeks and lips, hair tied in a bun and minimal accessories. She paired the saree with a multi-layered pearl choker and matching stud earrings.
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There is no doubt that Medha Shankr has a soft corner for brand Mazdin when it comes to Indian wear. On another occasion, Medha was glowing in a bright yellow saree with white thread work and embellishments along the border, from the same brand. This was paired with a matching blouse that featured three-quarter sleeves and a plunging neckline. The highlight of the ensemble was the sheer cape – again in the same shade of yellow – that tied the look together. For jewellery, the actress chose an oversized pair of jhumkas and a gold bracelet with a modern design.
Before that, Medha gave us a lesson in perfecting a monochrome saree look when she stepped out in a plain red chiffon number. She paired it with a matching sleeveless blouse. She tied her hair in a bun, framing the face with tresses on either side. Once again, Medha allowed her flawless skin to do all the talking and opted for just loads of blush and tinted lips. And do not miss the big, bold jhumkas that seem to be a signature for this gorgeous actress.
We cannot wait to see more of Medha Shankr's ethnic looks in the future.
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