Late last night, superstar Priyanka Chopra arrived at Mumbai airport. After a busy few weeks with fiance Nick Jonas, the actress and style icon quietly entered the city and set our style meter ringing. Her airport look included a chic grey shirt and trouser co-ord set with black sunglasses, a Gucci tote and red boots as the finishing touch.
Paired with her neutral look, the bright boots added a punch while being perfectly appropriate for the season. With fall coming soon, here are 4 boots to add to your look like Priyanka Chopra.
(Also Read: Another Day, Another Perfect Outfit On Priyanka Chopra)
For a rich wine toned addition to your outfit, look no further than Alcott Bordeaux Boots. They come in a sturdy style that can take on anything while looking fabulous with a glossy finish and lace detail. They are available for Rs 1876 from Rs 3999. Shop here.
Want classic black with a little more? Then Hush Puppies Betty Boots will do the job. The ankle length black boots are in a casual style and have a bright blue rimmed sole for a fun yet subtle pop of colour. They are available for Rs 4670 from Rs 4999. Shop here.
If understated glam is what you're going for, you need Forever 21 Chestnut Boots. The rich tan boots have a pointed front and a 2-inch heel for a fashionable upgrade to the usual lines of boots. They are available for Rs 1999 from Rs 2599. Shop here.
Carlton London Scotia Boots are the ones that will work hard with every fall look of yours. The flat heeled style is in a taupe shade that can match most outfits and is comfortable enough for travel like Priyanka. They are available for Rs 1577 from Rs 2995. Shop here.
Which boots will be your pick this fall? Let us know in the comments.
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