Whenever there is a need to wash away the stress, a good and comforting head oil massage is what gives the best relief. Just close your eyes and feel the fingers move through your hair, massaging the scalp. The soothing rhythm has the ability to virtually transport you to a new world awakening all your senses. Hot oil head massage has several benefits but when you heat up the oil slightly before applying, then the massage gets even more relaxing. The hot oil softens stiff muscles and opens up the blood muscles.
Also Read: How To Nourish Your Hair With A Hot Oil Massage: An Easy Guide
Benefits Of Hot Oil Head Massages
1. Delays Greying Of Hair
If you have started to notice grey hair strands already then better do a hot oil head massage. It nourishes the hair follicles and helps retain the shiny black colour. Better blood flow to the follicles can also stimulate melanin production and prevent premature greying of hair.
Hot oil head massages have many benefits for haircare and wellness
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2. Reduces Tension
A head massage after a long day of work can be the easiest way to get rid of tension and anxiety. Using hot oil can make you feel relaxed and reduce the intensity of headaches. If there is tension built up in your neck and upper back, then a hot oil massage can provide relief from that.
3. Lowers Blood Pressure
Hot oil head massage tends to calm us down which can be good for those with hypertension. Head massage helps regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of diseases associated with high blood pressure.
Also Read: 3 Expert Hair Care Tips And Techniques To Get The Most Out Of Hair Oiling And Head Massages
Hot oil head massages can help reduce stress as well
4. Hair Growth
Nourishing your hair and massaging the scalp using some hot oil can promote hair growth and reduce the thinning of hair. It ensures that your hair follicles are getting sufficient nutrients which are necessary for hair growth.
5. Improves Memory
Regularly massaging your scalp with hot oil can also boost your memory. It improves the blood flow to your nervous system which can improve memory and help you get better concentration.
Also Read: For Sara Ali Khan And Amrita Singh, Head Massages Seem To Always Turn Into Bonding Sessions