Bollywood's fashionista Sonam Kapoor and husband Anand Ahuja welcomed a baby boy on 20th August 2022. The fashion icon of Bollywood who has always been looked up to for her trendsetting outfits and impeccable taste, made quite a stir with the announcement of her pregnancy and then on adding glam to maternity dressing. Of course, we did not expect anything less from the diva. Taking maternity dressing to a whole new level altogether, Sonam's choice of stylish maternity clothes and effortless dressing definitely set inspirations for all mothers-to-be. Here are a few of her style statements that were an instant hit and had all the new mamas taking notes from the diva.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Showcases Her Baby Bump In An All-Black Ensemble With A Chanel Purse And Prada Loafers
Sonam Kapoor was seen in a restaurant in the city in a vivid yellow midi dress with pleats running through its length. The short-sleeves outfit had layered ruffle detailing all-over with beautiful flare to follow. Sonam picked white strappy flats and carried a mini bag with the outfit.
Sonam Kapoor's baby shower was undoubtedly a fashionable affair. The diva wore a stunning piece from designer label Emilia Wickstead. Sonam's bright pink maxi dress had a dramatic closed round neckline and a gorgeous flowy trail with a dramatic cape detailing attached to it. Sonam wore a gold necklace, dangler earrings and a ring for accessories. For makeup, she opted for defined brows and bright red lip colour while leaving her silky mane loose.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Pulls Off 'A Rihanna' And Bares Her Baby Bump In A Sports Bra And Jacket
For a photoshoot, Sonam Kapoor turned into a muse to ace designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla's festive and bridal collection. Sonam wore an off-white satin skirt adorned with delicate sequins and the actor teamed it with a multi-paneled dress with a long trail that featured hand-embroidered pearls. Her braided hairdo with pearl-attached pins adorned the look further. The actor picked stud earrings and statement rings as the accessories with the outfit.
Sonam Kapoor looked enthralled and captivating when she dressed in a sheer outfit for a maternity photoshoot. Sonam's outfit featured a classic black see-through kaftan, which she paired with a black bralette beneath. Her outfit showcased a plunging neckline, lace borders and intricate embroidery. The diva completed the look with a pair of dangling earrings.
We cannot forget how gorgeous Sonam Kapoor looked as she draped a statement making white wraparound saree for Abu Jani's birthday. Sonam teamed the drape with a strapless blouse. Sonam's saree had delicate embellishments at the borders and featured a thigh-high slit at front. Accessorising the ensemble with a gold necklace, earrings, bracelets, and rings, Sonam looked divine.
Do you need any more proof that Sonam looks stylish for any occasion and her taste in fashion is simply phenomenal!
Also Read: Making Summer Maternity Style Easy-Breezy Is Sonam Kapoor In A Sunshine Yellow Maxi Dress