7 Last-Minute Home Decor Ideas For Easter 2023

Here are easy home decor ideas to get your homes ready for Easter 2023

Read Time: 4 mins
Easter Home Decor

It is already Easter weekend. If you haven't thought about home decor, then now is the time. With absolutely no time to waste, get in the spirit of Easter and decorate your homes with easy, DIY home decor ideas. Not only are these easy-to-make home decorations but will also look splendid on the holiday. We have curated a list of a few ideas which you can use and make your homes Easter-ready. We haven't forgotten to keep it egg-centric too!

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Decorate your homes with these easy ideas this Easter 2023

Top 7 Home Decor Ideas For Easter 2023

1. Tissue Paper Eggs

Colourful eggs are the prime factors of an Easter day. If you want to incorporate them in your easy-to-make tissues, draw an egg of cardstock and repeat the number of eggs you want to make. Cut the eggs and lay them on the tissue paper. Cut rectangles a little bigger than the size of the eggs and fringe them to stack them up on the eggs.

2. Egg Bouquet

Make egg-shaped balls from paper and glue them up on a straw. Put colourful tissue paper on these balls and wrap the straws with green coloured paper to create a flower with a stem. You can even stick some leaf-shaped patterns on these straws to make the bouquet look real. This will be a great addition to your centrepiece.


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3. Easter Basket

Paint some eggs in vibrant colours and add them to a cane basket. You can add party confetti to the basket and decorate it with a handmade bow and ribbon.


4. Carrot Centrepiece

Trim the variable carrots to the same height. Take a transparent glass jar and put a cup inside it in the middle. PLace the carrots around the cup and place fresh flowers at their centre removing the leaves from the carrots. This can be an attractive centrepiece for your dining table.


5. Bunny Signboards

Take a canvas board and use acrylic colours to paint the board with bunny faces on it in a pastel colour palette. Put this signboard at the entrance to welcome your friends and family home on Easter.


6. Bunny Tail Garlands

Using a card paper, make bunny shapes on them. Cut the shapes and stick them to a string. Using pastel coloured wool, glue fringes at the back of the bunnies as if its their tail. Attach these strings to a bare wall of your house to get the easter-spirit high!

7. Bunny Wreath

You can make a wreath using dried twigs and branches in the shape of bunnies. Decorate them with glitter, ribbons and delicate pastel flowers. Glue the bunny wreath at the entrance of your house.

Have a happy Easter 2023!

We hope you all have a happy Easter!

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