Amrita Rao and her husband RJ Anmol celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary recently. The actress left her fans stunned when she spilled beans about her wedding with Anmol. The couple has dropped a video on their YouTube channel revealing details about their wedding budget. Almost a decade ago, Amrita was the most beautiful bride in a bright red saree with golden embroidery and subtle sequin work. She revealed that her wedding look cost Rs 3,000. The actress sealed her look with traditional gold jewellery. Amrita completed her look with the traditional Peshawari nath and glass bangles in green colour. In the video, Amrita also said, "I didn't want to wear designer clothes. My mangalsutra was only Rs18,000."
(Also Read: Spending Big On A Lavish Wedding? Study Says You're More Likely To Get A Divorce)
Amrita Rao's casual wardrobe is fabulous but the actress has our hearts when she steps out in ethnic wear. Earlier, this year, Amrita turned showstopper in a gorgeous lavender embellished lehenga set. The golden embellishment gave a contradictory effect to the outfit that featured cap sleeves. She carried a matching tulle dupatta with a similarly embellished border. She left her straight middle-parted hair open and opted for a matching jewellery set.
Amrita Rao looked alluring in Hanan Jaffry's black sharara set. The outfit has a knee-length kurta with a floral border and a flowy garara. The kurta was accentuated with tassel detailing, dangling from its hem and sleeves. She paired her ensemble with a dupatta that came with an overall floral print. The loosened straight tresses and oxidised statement earrings went well with her look.
Red seemed to be Amrita Rao's colour, as she celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi in a subtle embellished bright red saree. The actress paired it with a matching sleeveless strappy blouse. Yellow bangles and a golden choker set were textbook perfect.
Amrita Rao's pastel lehenga is just the perfect ethnic outfit to attend any day wedding. The mint green lehenga featured heavy embellishments in powder pink and copper hue. She gave it all a final touch with big jhumkas and kept her middle parted straight tresses open. Pink lips, blushed cheeks, and winged eyeliner sealed the look for her.
(Also Read: A Destination Wedding...In Space? For A Whopping Rs 1 Crore, You Really Can Get Married In Space)