Bollywood is home to some of India's most fashionable faces and Kiara Advani sits high on that list. Whether it's on the screen in her upcoming movie Game Changer or on the red carpet at celebrity events, the stylish actress has certified her position as a sartorial taste-maker. Now appointed as the cover girl for Harper's Bazaar India's December 2024 edition, she showed us that there's more to her style that it being purely one dimensional. Having completed 10 years in the film industry, Kiara opened up in the interview about her stylish endeavors, what inspires her dressing and the thought process behind it.
(Also Read: Kiara Advani Wore Everything From Cutout Gowns To Chiffon Sarees In Naa Naa Hyraanaa)
She spoke in detail about how grooming has always mattered a great deal to her; whether that be on shopping trips or while styling her look. "I'm a very 'girly' girl. This came to me naturally, irrespective of the profession that I was getting into. Now, with access to so many designers and people, dressing up for events, awards, and social media is fun," said the actress.
As a public persona however, the downside is the need to always putting her best foot forward. In this, Kiara likes to find the balance between looking her best and staying authentic to herself, especially on days when she really isn't feeling it. "With the whole paparazzi culture in the picture, everything is supposed to be a fashion moment. I have gradually realized in my 30s that sometimes comfort is everything. If there's a shoot at 4 am, I'm going to be wearing my track pants," she signs off.
If comfort can come first for Kiara Advani, it sure can for the rest of us.
(Also Read: Kiara Advani's Stylish Ode To Rohit Bal In A Long Floral Anarkali For Game Changer's Teaser Launch)