Alia Bhatt has been making headlines lately and it's not only for her romance with Ranbir Kapoor. From her recent Maldives vacation to airport getaways, the Bollywood actress has been serving up some incredible casual style. Today wasn't any different. As she stepped out with her beau in the city, once again Ms. Bhatt did it in a pretty off-duty look. With a pair of black bicycle shorts that hit the thigh, Alia wore an oversized white button-down shirt with an empire waistline. Chunky black flat-form sneakers and a monogrammed face mask with gold-rimmed sunglasses added the casual accessories to this black and white outfit.
Earlier this week, Alia was captured in the city in yet another fashionable outfit for a casual day out. Wearing a tie-dye printed sweatshirt and flared pants from Summer Somewhere, she paired the outfit with clear acrylic heels, gold hoops and a sling back worn across. A fun take on loungewear; we can definitely see ourselves wearing these.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt, With Sparkling Eyes And Wavy Hair, Has The Prettiest Post Pack Up Shots)
She also gave us a glimpse of what she wears for date night. In a mirror selfie, we saw Alia don a black Ralph Lauren sweater which she paired with sleek hair, silver hoop earrings and grey trousers. A winter fashion look that's definitely cuddle-worthy, we think.
Another casual day for the actress saw her try a get-up of a sleek bun hairstyle with a centre parting, large hoop earrings and full brows with a casual grey t-shirt.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt, Anushka And Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Are BFF Goals In Colourpop Bikinis)