As if we couldn't feel it already, spring is setting in and Bollywood stars are making that known the way they are best at; with their outfits. Alia Bhatt is one of them who is showing us how it's done. To celebrate director Sanjay Leela Bhansali's birthday last night, the actress, who stars in the titular role of his next film Gangubai Kathiawadi, attended celebrations in the city. Alia Bhatt opted for a touch of spring style a little in advance when she paired a single shouldered white cutwork blouse with a tied detail at the waist. It was worn with white trousers and strappy sandals. What have come to be Alia's daily accessories of choice; silver hoops and a monogrammed face mask were the finishing touches.
Alia Bhatt recently took off to Maldives (like the rest of the celebrity circle) and seemed to enjoy her time on the shores. Taking in the blue seas and even more blue skies, she wore a pastel toned strapless bikini with sunglasses.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt Takes Her Bicycle Shorts To The Next Level With A White Shirt And Platform Sneakers)
She also flexed in a little black dress and made it perfectly appropriate for hot summer nights. The black strap dress was worn sans any accessories and only her strobed skin and bouncy waves were all that it needed to shine.
Alia also painted a picture of a beautiful spring day when she lazed on the grass wearing a brightly coloured tie-dye printed maxi dress and broad smile on her face.
(Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Love For Tie-Dye Is Going Nowhere As She Steps Out In Yet Another Look)