Not one single day goes by without Ananya Panday giving us some party inspiration for the coming weekend, whether it is a Monday or a Thursday. Always the girl on fire, Ananya Panday and her never ending collection of mini bodycon dresses have all our attention. From dinner dates or partying the night away, it is hard to spot Ananya Panday in anything but an outstanding outfit. A one-shoulder mini dress as seen here on Ananya Panday is oddly gaining momentum after all these years. Guess it is safe to say that it is compensating for all these years' worth of recognition. Trust Ananya Panday to keep it simple yet stylish with chunky gold hoops and a pair of white sneakers to make this ready to wear to any occasion. Head out in style this weekend with one-shoulder dresses like Ananya Panday.
Also Read: Get Rid Of Your Mid-Week Blues With Ananya Panday's Beauty Look
Swirlster Picks One-Shoulder Dresses For You
Ananya Panday's love for mini dresses has no bounds and she made sure all of Maldives knew of it too. Styled in a colourful bodycon dress, she set the perfect dinner date night look under the stars and amid the gorgeous Maldivian backdrop.
Also Read: Ananya Panday Is Edgy With A Touch Of Glam In An Off-Shoulder Dress
Satin slip dresses are the ultimate date night pick that celebrate femininity. The simple yet sophisticated silhouette of a satin slip dress falls like a glove and Ananya Panday proves that with the right colour, it is also probably the perfect Valentine's Day date night outfit.
Also Read: Ananya Panday's Chic Satin Dress Is Straight Out Of Our Dreams
Did somebody scream neon? Ananya Panday knows all about styling neons fabulously especially with the right kind of colourpop heels. Colourblock outfits are always a winner in Bollywood and Ananya Panday is an example of this trend.
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