Ananya Panday served up a closet offering that fit the vibe of the holiday season while also keeping her independent young lady persona intact. The CTRL actress made sure to make heads turn as she posed wearing a rather dapper suit dipped in the "colour of the season". The 26-year-old star showed off her boss lady sartorial moves wearing a very cherry-hued look in sync with the holly jolly festive season.
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Ananya Panday looked all parts cherry coded as she stepped out wearing this super chic power suit from the shelves of Nepalese-American designer Prabal Gurung. The ensemble was on board with the Christmas spirit and featured a double breasted blazer with statement shoulders along with a pair of matching straight-fit trousers.
Celebrity stylist Priyanka R Kapadia accessorised Ananya's look with a chic pair of narrow close-toed stiletto heels, statement square-shaped ruby stud earrings with a criss-cross embellished diamond design on it, and a diamond-studded cocktail ring along with a gold band on her fingers.
Ananya's tresses were styled in a salon-style layered blow out with a centre-parting by celebrity hairstylist, Aanchal A Morwani. On the makeup front, celebrity makeup artist Shraddha Naik gave Ananya the perfect glazed doughnut-like glistening skin with a touch of berry blush and lots of champagne highlighter, along with defined brows, smokey kohl-rimmed eyes with mascara for fluttery lashes, and a super glossy rose brown coloured lip oil to add a eye-catching finishing touch to the look.
Ananya Panday struck sartorial gold in the "colour of the season".
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