Ananya Panday was recently on a beach vacation with her family and gave us uber-chic fashion goals from across the world. Her Bhawana Panday posted on photos on Instagram, where the young actress is seen enjoying a sunny day in Ibiza in an aquamarine swimsuit. The one-shoulder bikini top had a metallic embellishment at the centre as she paired it with a low-waist bottom in the same shade of blue. The muted bucket hat that Ananya wore with her swimsuit added a holiday spirit to her look. A dewy face, rosy cheeks, and a pink lip tint perfectly completed Ananya's beach look.
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On her recent Italian holiday, Ananya Panday was seen sunbathing in a printed green bikini top and matching tie-knot bottoms. Instead of a sarong, she complemented her swimsuit with a pair of ivory joggers. Her beach accessories included a delicate necklace, and a pair of chic black sunglasses. Her no-makeup look was the perfect addition to her vacation look.
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Ananya's beach looks have always got the internet ablaze. Remember when she chose a two-piece swimsuit for a vacation last year? Her chic swim set in ice blue was paired with a stylish printed kimono cover-up in zesty orange. The colour pop looked fantastic on her pastel look. No makeup, loose tresses, and a pair of flip-flops completed her beach look.
We hope to see more of Ananya Panday's beach fashion.
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