Anshula Kapoor, the daughter of Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor and his ex-wife late Mona Shourie, has grown up in the shadows of her parent's separation and media scrutiny. Actor Arjun Kapoor's sister, Anshula opened up about her late mother and their relationship and it was nothing but a heart-warming homage. Anshula opened up about how they lived in a joint family as children that was helmed by their grandmother, Nirmal Kapoor. Following this, she reflected on the 90s when her parents separated. This was followed by her mother Mona Shourie living with them by themselves and her mother taking on the dual roles of a breadwinner and caregiver.
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During an interaction with Hautterfly, Anshula Kapoor said, “She was the care giver, the love giver, the problem solver and the bread winner.” She quickly added admiring her late mother's love and strength, “She was both parents in one, and it was like she had ten hands to take care of us.”
Anshula acknowledged how her mother was a gender neutral parent when it came to making rules for her and sibling Arjun Kapoor. She also iterated that the six year age gap between the two siblings was not be a factor and her mother's parenting was equal and just. Anshula further said, “She trusted us”, noting the fact that they had to keep her informed and Arjun were treated alike at home. She added affectionately, “Of course, she never went to sleep till her kids came home, but we had to keep her informed about our plans. We did not have any specific responsibilities from the point of view of our gender.”
Anshula Kapoor's opening up about Mona Shourie, her large joint family and more was nothing short of a love letter to her late mother and her clan.
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