Madhuri Dixit has always managed to grab eyeballs - be it her phenomenal dance moves, her elegant screen presence or her diverse closet choices. The 'Dhakdhak girl' this time wore a striking drape in deep blue from Anita Dongre's designer label and won our hearts. The breezy drape in dark blue had delicate prints in a lighter colour palette with a golden embroidered patti border. The actor teamed the saree with a sleeveless blouse. For accessories, Madhuri opted for traditional statement earrings in golden shade and a metallic bangle bracelet. Leaving her mane loose in soft curls, the actor opted for nude makeup, subtle eye makeup and glossy nude lip colour.
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit Dances Right Into Our Hearts In Her Dazzling All-Black Ensemble
Not too long ago, Madhuri Dixit opted for an ivory saree from the designer label Punit Balana and looked exceptional. The all-ivory drape had delicate golden borders throughout. The actor paired the saree with a printed floral blouse in blue and brown. The strappy blouse had a plunging neckline and golden border that matched with the saree. The printed blouse added a good contrast to the monotony of the drape. Tying her mane in a messy bun, Madhuri adorned her ethic look with traditional jhumkas, bangles and a bindi.
Also Read: Madhuri Dixit Takes Her Fashion To Ultra Glam Heights In A Beautiful Blue Saree Worth Rs 1.1 Lakh
For Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash held in the city, Madhuri Dixit dazzled in glitter and glitz. She opted for a sequined wide leg trouser in shades of purple and blue and paired it with a black corset top with dramatic floor-length cape sleeves. The dazzling outfit was from the ace designer Manish Malhotra's 'Diffuse' collection. We cannot take Madhuri's stunning look out of our minds yet. The birthday bash was a bling affair where the Bollywood divas showed up in sparkly outfits. From Ananya Panday, Kiara Advani to Kriti Sanon, all were dressed just on point for the elaborate evening.
We are totally in awe of Madhuri Dixit's wardrobe and her adorable smile.
Also Read: We Cannot Take Our Eyes Off Madhuri Dixit In An Emerald Green Festive Gown