No one knows how to serve style goals better than siblings. The Pednekar sisters are in Goa for Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani's wedding festivities and they have taken wedding guest style quite seriously. Bhumi Pednekar and sister Samiksha Pednekar are giving the ultimate desi girl vibes in chic ethnic looks. Their contrasting style has always been attention-grabbing. From high-octane style to lowkey, laidback fashion, the sisters know how to ace it all. The latest fashion entry in their books is in stunning ethnic co-ords as they attended Rakul-Jackky's mehendi ceremony. They both picked complementing hues from the wedding-appropriate palette. Bhumi looked radiant in a beautiful yellow co-ord set that came with a halter neck blouse and matching bottoms. Samiksha looked stunning in a pistachio green outfit that came with a halter neck embroidered blouse paired with monochrome bottoms. Both the sisters opted for dewy glam to keep it minimal.
Bhumi Pednekar and Samiksha Pednekar have quite a sorted fashion scene. From their twinning game to their chicest ethnic duo style, the sisters have been serving looks. Previously, the duo turned up at a wedding looking like the hottest desi girls on the block in beautiful floral lehengas. Bhumi picked a powder blue lehenga and a glitzy silver blouse to make a statement. Samiksha went colourful with her style in a stunning white lehenga that was adorned with multicoloured floral appliqué. The sisters gave ethnic fashion a solid spin with their style.