Fashion fans are constantly in awe of Bhumi Pednekar's distinctive sense of style. The actress' natural ability to carry Western clothes with aplomb makes her shine brighter than the diamond. Now, Bhumi has made heads turn by showcasing her love for mix-and-match styling. Bhumi wore a shimmering silver bralette from the shelves of Rahul Mishra and paired it with sequined pants and a white shirt. The shirt, with its silver sequins and flower decorations, was the perfect fit for a cocktail party. For accessories, Bhumi opted for a diamond and tanzanite necklace set in white gold. Following the no-makeup makeup look, the actress minimalized the use of colour and went for blushed cheeks, and muted mauve lip colour. Bhumi kept her hair loose in natural waves.
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For her second look, Bhumi Pednekar stunned in a brocade jacket with marori embroidery, which she paired with flared pants, and an embroidered bustier. The ensemble is elevated by a striking tourmaline and polki gajra combined with polki bangles.
Bhumi Pednekar also wore a Vvani lehenga with exquisite hand-cut mirror embroidery from Vani Vats. The lehenga is the ideal option for the modern woman who wants to honour her history with a modern touch because of its flawless fusion of ageless tradition and contemporary splendour. The House of MBJ's bangles, which include green enamelled polki kadas, completed her ensemble.
Bhumi Pednekar looks exceptional when she is doused in sequins and sparkle.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar's Stellar Vacation Style Was Complete In A Paisley Swimsuit With MiuMiu Sunglasses