Bhumi Pednekar's top-notch sartorial choices and bold dressing are our absolute favourite. The actress leaves no stone unturned when making glamorous outfit choices, whether her elaborate gowns on the red carpet or dreamy sarees for festivities. For FICCI Frames 2023, Bhumi decided to take a formal call but not without a spin. She wore a black ensemble with a corseted jacket from Mugler X H&M. The full-sleeved jacket had a sheer corset bodice and she teamed it with a pair of wide-leg pants. Bhumi completed her power dressing with a sleek bun, golden hoops, and glam makeup consisting of kohl-laden eyes, well-contoured cheeks, and nude matte lip colour.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar In A Two-Toned Midi Dress Is A Treat For Our Monday Blues
Bhumi looked stunning as she opted for an all-white look. No one can ace the boss babe look like Bhumi does. She chose a striking white pantsuit that featured a chic cutout pattern. She took the minimal route and opted for a nude makeup look with a tint of pink and ample mascara on her kohl-rimmed eyes and tied her hair in a sleek ponytail. For accessories, she kept it simply chic with silver-toned hoops and a pair of white pointed heels.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar's White Gown Is Monochrome With A Side Of Sparkle
Bhumi's take on pantsuits is just mindblowing. Her teal body-hugging silhouette came with statement gold buttons that played a key role in accentuating the style. She teamed it with a pair of flared pants. She layered her fit with an overcoat that had a short hemline in the front and a longer back. She went neutral with her makeup choices to balance the look and wore matte lipstick with a rosy cheek tint.
Bhumi Pednekar's pantsuits are no doubt head-turners.