Bipasha Basu has been embracing every moment of motherhood with her daughter Devi. The actress, who welcomed her first child with husband Karan Singh Grover last year, in November, often shares adorable glimpses of her daughter on Instagram. Amid fulfilling her mama duties, Bipasha is carving out time to get back in shape. Days ago, she shared a video of herself hitting the gym and performing a series of strenuous exercises. In the caption, Bipasha stated that she is “rebuilding a stronger version” of herself from scratch.
Whether it's lifting weights or setting the core on fire, the actress is indeed an inspiration for the all-new mammas. We love how Bipasha kept her athleisure simple. Her all-black ensemble included yoga pants, a half-sleeve top, and black shoes with neon detailing. With tied-up tresses and the natural workout glow, she is seen pushing the envelope.
Also Read: Meet Devi Basu Singh Grover, The Newest's Little Bollywood Fashionista On The Block
Bipasha Basu's fitness coach also shared a clip of the actress sweating it out in the gym. “The Star is back with more Power” was his caption for the post.
From eating a balanced diet to never skipping exercises, Bipasha Basu has always stayed loyal to her fitness regime. Her envious figure is a testament to that. Bipasha Basu is equally inclined towards both her gym routine and yoga. Last year, on International Yoga Day, the actress shared a video of herself performing the Surya Namaskar. “Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind, Body & Spirit #happyinternationalyogaday2022 #yogaforhumanity #loveyourself,” read the caption of her post.
Also Read: Cradling Her Baby Bump In A Strapless Gold Gown, Bipasha Basu Is The Most Glorious Mom-To-Be
Here's another video of Bipasha Basu showing some love to her “stiff back.” The actress is first seen balancing her body on the dharma yoga wheel and moving it across her upper body. Bipasha wrote, “Dharma yoga wheel to my rescue today!!! Stiff back needs some love.”
Bipasha Basu is known for her work in films like Ajnabee, Raaz, Alone, and Aakrosh among others.
Also Read: Mom-To-Be Bipasha Basu Showcases Her "Magical Feelings" And Baby Bump In A Sheer Black Flowing Dress
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