Over a decade after its release, Bunty and Babli will find their way back to screens in a brand new avatar. Bunty Aur Babli 2 will release in November 2021, which will see the brand new duo of Rani Mukerji and Saif Ali Khan who replaces Abhishek Bachchan from the original 2005 film. Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari will also be seen as the new set of cons in the film. But we all know that it's Rani Mukerji that we're watching out for. Apart from a smattering of films in recent years, the Bollywood star has hardly been seen on the silver screen. So when she is seen, we can barely contain our excitement. Those who can recall Bollywood in the 2000s will know already the incredible popularity that Bunty Aur Babli originally had when it released. Not just that but Rani Mukerji as Babli was a vivacious bundle of energy on the screen and her whimsical fashion choices only added to it. Who can forget her famous short collared kurta with contrasting printed pants which even came to be known as the 'Bunty Aur Babli kurta'! As Bunty Aur Babli 2 released its trailer, we're taking a look as Rani's return as Babli and how her reel style matches up.
A first glimpse sees her as a happy housewife; her hair set in rollers while she wears a tangerine lip with a matching salwar suit. Already she's lending her signature bit of sunshine.
Could tied on the railway tracks actually look chic? Wearing a brightly coloured blue and pink toned floral patterned saree with barrettes in her hair, only she could.
But when she's back to her old ways is when we see Babli at her best. Don't miss the feathered hat and dramatic sunglasses to match. More is more for this one!
(Also Read: Rani Mukerji's Floral Saree Is What You Need For A Spring Wedding)
We love the hat tips by the costume department to Babli's 2005 avatar with tiny retro touches like the hairband and long ponytails set with a red lip.
Another patterned salwar suit moment came when she wore a blue and pink number, this time with a visor and sunglasses.
Here's another one in bright orange with matching earrings which only she can pull off.
Finally, this being a Bollywood movie, a dance track is obviously in order. We see Babli in a sparkling dress with smokey eyes.
We can't wait to watch this one, if even only for the style statements!
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