Indian digital creator and influencer Kusha Kapila debuted at the Cannes Film Festival 2023. Kusha is a youth icon known for her hilarious videos and comic timing and has a fan following of millions. The diva also put another feather in her cap of being the trendiest fashionista with chic sartorial choices. She picked an off-shoulder shimmery Rahul Mishra gown and looked phenomenal as she walked the red carpet for the very first time. The floor-sweeping outfit featured a deep sweetheart neckline with floral patterns and embellishments in gold and silver followed by a sequined body in black. The gown also had a glamorous train to follow. Tying her tresses in a half ponytail, Kusha left a few strands loose and wore minimal glam makeup. A dash of kohl in the eyes, well-contoured cheeks, glossy lips, and shimmery eyelids complemented Kusha's look for the night.
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For the premiere of Rapito, Kusha Kapila wore a stunning metallic gown from the clothing brand Avaro Figlio. The strapless two-toned outfit had ruffled details at the bustline followed by a metallic bodice and a beautiful flare. A neatly tied bun, glammed-up shimmery makeup, kohl-laden eyes, and glossy lip colour complemented Kusha's look perfectly. She kept it minimal for accessories by opting for a studded choker necklace alone.
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Dolly Singh too made her stunning debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year in a gorgeous fusion-wear look from Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. Her ivory outfit included an embellished bralette, dhoti-style pants, and an elaborate ruffled cape to follow. She accesorised the look with pearl studs and a bracelet. Leaving her tresses loose in natural curls, Dolly's makeup was minimal and dewy.
Aren't you amazed by the looks of Kusha Kapila and Dolly Singh?
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