Bollywood stars at Cannes are making headlines and one of our favourites has to be Urvashi Rautela. After wowing us with her tulle pink gown at the opening ceremony of Cannes 2023, Urvashi brought a zingy twist to the red carpet with yet another glorious gown. In an orange sleeveless number from designer Tarik Ediz, the actress looked gorgeous. The tulle gown came with a closed halter neckline, embroidered with pearls and silver jewels, and extended to a tiered tulle skirt with over-the-top ruffles. Diamond and pearl studs, along with a few diamond rings for accessories suited her style. A centre-parted stylish bun was accompanied by gorgeous makeup, including dark smokey eyes, voluminous eyelashes, contoured cheeks, and brown glossy lips. Urvashi also carried a small jewelled red bag, which perfectly broke the monotony of her orange gown.
(Also Read: Cannes 2023: Flamingo Pink Gowns Continue To Make Their Way To The Red Carpet With Urvashi Rautela's Gown)
Before this, Urvashi Rautela brought all the drama to the opening ceremony of Cannes 2023 in a flamingo pink tulle gown from Sima Couture. Her statement accessories received much limelight. The alligator design necklace along with matching earrings was clearly a show-stealer. With a top bun hairdo, she opted for a pink-hue glam, nailing the monochrome game with utmost perfection. Her makeup picks were blush pink eyelids, thick eyeliner, voluminous eyelashes, blushed cheeks and glossy lips.
Larger-than-life gowns are an all-time favourite of Urvashi Rautela's. At the Cannes Festival 2022, she arrived in an all-white elaborate gown which was straight out of a fairy tale. Urvashi walked the red carpet in that floor-sweeping gown with utmost poise. From the luxury brand Tony Ward, the one-shouldered tube gown had layers of ruffle details throughout. Silver embellishment over the shoulder and an embellished belt added some bling to the white number. She tied her mane in a stylish updo and wore glamorous makeup with winged eyeliner and hot red lips.
Urvashi Rautela has always managed to make a statement with her glamorous style.