Chitrangda Singh's fashion game alters the way we look at the usual. With a break from the glitter options, she turns to solid colours and classic silhouettes. Of course, a red dress is as timeless today as it were yesterday and of course, she looks stellar in it when she picks one. Recently, Chitrangda shared a picture series from her latest photoshoot. To make the temperature soar even higher, the actress slipped into a scintillating red midi by clothing label Trendyol. The plunging neckline and a figure-grazing pattern added to the bold touch that the bright hue anyway offered. Nude pumps and dainty jewellery were a fitting choice to complete her look. She nailed the beauty look too with soft curls and her red-carpet-ready glam.
We are smitten by Chitrangda Singh and her love affair with red silhouettes. Earlier, the actress slipped into a strapless bright red gown by clothing brand Antithesis. The sheer number featured a corset bodice and a plunging sweetheart neckline. The actress styled her look with gleaming multi-layered necklaces and her signature glam sealed the beauty deal.
Trust Chitrangada Singh to serve a stylish red dress fashion moment. The actress wore a velvet red co-ord set that came with a strapless blouse and tapered skirt. The stunning slit added an instant oomph to her overall look. She left her centrally-parted silky tresses hair open and completed the look with nude glam.
Also Read: We're Going Dotty Over Chitrangada Singh's Monsoon Style In A Polka Dot Slit Dress
Chitrangda Singh's stunning style sensibilities are meant to deliver a statement.