Chitrangda Singh made heads turn and heartbeats stop amidst internet goers as she shared a carousel post of pictures of herself posing in a black dress with a thigh-high slit and lots of sparkles on the accessories front. Also Read: Chitrangda Singh Unwinds "To Life And Living" And You Can Too At These Gems In Normandy Chitrangda Singh looked like a million bucks and more in her latest sartorial outing on Instagram. The Khel Khel Mein actress wore a sleeveless back dress with narrow straps and a plunging V-neckline from the label Princess Polly Boutique. The statement ensemble featured a high-low hemline along with a thigh-high slit that showed off her toned legs. But this isn't all; Chitrangda's OOTD featured a single-shoulder cape along with floral applique that flew against the wind during the photoshoot and added a power element to the look. Celebrity stylist Esha Amin Pradhan accessorised Chitrangda's look with a pair of nude heels, a tie-up-style Swarovski thread closure and a pair of diamond encrusted dangler earrings from Diosa Paris. Chitrangda's glam for the outing was done courtesy of hair and makeup artist, Anu Kaushik who styled her tresses into a sleek and very long bob left open with a side-parting. Makeup-wise, Chitrangda sported an over-all bronzed and highlighted complexion, smokey silver grey eyes with lots of coats of mascara for dramatic lashes, defined brows, a wash of berry toned blush on her cheeks for a winter flush, and a nude brown lip gloss to add the perfect finishing touch to her power dressing moment. Chitranga Singh's not-so-little black dress gave off-boss babe closet vibes. Also Read: Chitrangda Singh In A Stunning White Bodycon Dress Pulls Off "Vintage Glam" To The Hilt |
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