The BAFTA Film Awards took place on February 18, 2024, in London and was an eye-grabbing event with global icons making stellar entries in chic fashion choices. The list of attendees included Bollywood's Deepika Padukone who attended the awards for the first time as a presenter at the ceremony. Deepika's glam makeup from the night done by makeup artist Anil C, was worth mentioning. The actress opted for minimally glam makeup to match the shimmery Sabyasachi saree she picked in a pastel colour palette with a backless sequinned blouse. The diva's radiant nude makeup included kohl-laden smokey eyes with curled-up lashes and ample mascara. She opted for a nude glow with well-structured contours and a matte lip colour. Her lustrous brown tresses were tied up in a messy bun to complete the starry look for the night. Other fashionable attendees included Dua Lipa, Florence Push, Emma Stone, and more who were dressed to perfection in red carpet looks with glammed-up makeup.
We have been absolute fans of Deepika Padukone's red carpet fashion and glamorous makeup, even in the past. For the Oscars 2023, the actress donned a custom-made Louis Vuitton gown in black which had a bodycon fit that fitted the diva like a glove. Though the outfit was simply exquisite, what caught our attention was Deepika's effortless makeup look done by makeup artist Sandhya Shekar. She used a nude colour palette on the actress with a dash of kohl, and mascara-laden eyes with winged eyeliner. Her minimal makeup included well structured contours with neat highlights and a nude lip colour.
Also Read: Is Deepika Padukone's Clear, Glass-Like Skin In 2024 Too Much To Ask For?
Haven't you too fallen in love with Deepika Padukone's effortless charm and stunning makeup looks?