Deepika Padukone's love for casual chic looks hasn't changed even after becoming a mother to daughter Dua with husband Ranveer Singh. Presumably after making her first public appearance post-childbirth at Diljit Dosanjh's concert in Bengaluru, Deepika Padukone made her way back to Mumbai with her daughter in her arms. The actress yet again turned to minimal style opting for a chic red look perfectly in sync with the season's greetings. Her monochrome number featured a relaxed, flowing fit with a collared neckline. She ditched all kinds of jewellery and opted for statement black shades. Her no-makeup look with a sleek middle-parted ponytail perfectly complements her travel style.
Not very long ago, Diljit Dosanjh's Dil-Luminati Tour found itself in Bengaluru to enthral fans. The new mom made her first appearance after giving birth to her daughter Dua sharing the stage with the singer and in a style that looked far from boring. Casual chic yet again but comfortable to make it concert-ready, Deepika Padukone was seen in a classic white printed sweatshirt paired with light-washed wide-legged jeans. The sweatshirt was part of the official merchandise of the concert designed specially by Levi's, a brand for which Deepika Padukone is the official ambassador. The sweatshirt said "The Lover," also the title of his hit single, Lover which he performed on stage for Deepika Padukone when she joined him. Teamed with a pair of white sneakers, delicate jewellery, her signature makeup and soft waves for hairstyle, the concert was enjoyed in style by this gorgeous new mama.