If you thought F1 drivers were faster than the speed of light, wait till you see the speed with which Disha Patani's fans rushed to shower her with "likes" on her latest Instagram post. What she wore to the recently held F1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi was partly responsible. She wore a green crisscross bodysuit with slouchy, wide-leg jeans and sneakers. It is nothing too surprising from Disha Patani since it has become her forte to mix and match conventionally glamorous pieces with casual chic staples. This style combination has become uniquely Disha Patani's signature whether she picks a bralette, a corset or in this case a cutout bodysuit to wear with jeans. The hair and makeup don't require something over the top. She wore her hair down in a soft wavy texture and her makeup with a bright coral tint teamed with eyeliner and mascara for the eyes.
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A pair of jeans often forms the base of Disha Patani's off-duty looks. Paired with her trusted Calvin Klein bralette, a plain cropped tee or a trendy corset, anything can become uber chic in the way Disha Patani carries herself worn with her casual pair of jeans.
Disha Patani, a pair of jeans and a cool cutout top make a winning combination for this cool globe-trotting fashionista.
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