Festive season may be on the cards but in tinsel town, so is red carpet mania. To be fair, red carpet season is as festive as any other grand party in Bollywood and you've got to be sure to dress the part while you're at it. That's certainly not an issue Kiara Advani faces who makes the most of her festive fashion anywhere she goes. Kiara Advani was seen at the Lokmat Maharashtrian Of The Year Awards 2022 and she looked something like a dream in her gorgeous white saree. If you choose to look like a vision in white, it better be like Kiara Advani does in Manish Malhotra saree. The stunning saree looks lovely with the tone-on-tone lace and pearl work. The additional pairing of the designer's signature infinity blouse gives the traditional outfit a modern touch. The modern touch also came from her chunky silver jewellery that didn't just add a bohemian effect, but also threw a little colour on her all-white canvas. Sarees have and will always remain festive favourites and with Bollywood beauties like Kiara Advani around, they're bound to remain just that.
While the real star of her overall outfit was her saree, you simply couldn't expect Kiara Advani's makeup game to not be on point. Minimal gorgeousness is what creates the maximum impact according to us and clearly also according to Kiara Advani. Well-lined eyes in black and fluttery lashes with defined and pigmented brows were a smart beauty choice which complemented her clear dewy complexion. The glossy peach lip worked like magic to complete the look and lest we forget the tiny black bindi for that desi touch.
We bet you need no other inspiration for the festive season than Kiara Advani and her very festive sarees.
Also Read: Kiara Advani In A Flouncy Coral Gown Ensures The Red Carpet Is Her Personal Runway