American actor Timothée Chalamet always makes heads turn with his stunning appearances. Recently, he did that at the New York premiere of the upcoming biopic, A Complete Unknown, at New York's SVA Theatre on Friday. The actor paid tribute to folk icon Bob Dylan, who the movie is based on, in his look from a 2003 Sundance Film Festival event. The star opted for a light blue beanie, a red flannel shirt, dyed black jeans, a black leather coat, and a grey patterned scarf. What grabbed our attention was how the actor resembled Bob Dylan worn to the Masked and Anonymous movie screening. Timothée also went for dyed blonde bangs and a moustache that was neatly shaved and closely mirrored a look of Bob.
Earlier this month for the December 2024 cover photo of Rolling Stones magazine, Timothée again donned another Bob Dylan look. He wore a black V-neck waistcoat, which he accessorised with a gold chain, adding an extra touch of glamour to his look. He further enhanced the look by placing a replica bouquet from the singer's famous hat maker, Baron Hats, onto his Yankees cap. Matching Bob's signature look, Timothée cut his hair in scruffy waves with a faint moustache tracing his upper lip.
A Complete Unknown, which hits the theatres on Christmas Day, stars Timothée Chalamet as a younger version of Dylan.