No Bollywood gathering is complete without an array of fashion statements and last evening in Mumbai, it was truly a star-studded affair at Anurag Kashyap's daughter Aaliyah Kashyap's engagement. Aaliyah Kashyap and fiance Shane Gregoire announced their engagement earlier this year and hosted an engagement party in Mumbai last evening. It saw the best of the young Bollywood celebrity troop put their fashionable foot forward. Suhana Khan was absolutely leading the bandwagon in an electrifying blue Arpita Mehta saree. After making headlines for her much-anticipated debut in Netflix's The Archies, she continued her style streak as she shone bright in a beautiful blue saree that came with a subtle embellished style. Styled by Mohit Rai and Shubhi Kumar, she carried an overall monochrome look with a blue clutch and kept her makeup minimal with a dewy look.
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Khan's fashion trajectory is proof that the 'it' girl has a penchant for fuss-free glam. For the NMAAC launch that took place in Mumbai this summer, she had a fresh take on the traditional silhouette. She turned up to the event looking like an absolute diva in a beautiful golden Sabyasachi ensemble. The six-yard drape came with the most beautiful amalgamation of prints and sequins, which was perfect to add glam to her look.
Embellishment is a hit fashion trend and of late, Suhana Khan is truly doing justice to the same. Not so long ago, the Gen Z diva aced a gold Falguni And Shane Peacock saree as she made a statement. The beautiful sheer drape came with sparkling stripes and a dazzling sequin horizontal border. The feather detailing added a much-needed edge to the overall look.
Also Read: Suhana Khan's Days Of Goan Bliss Got A Little More Blissful With Her Floral Midi Dress
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Suhana Khan's take on the ethnic silhouette is ideal for style inspiration.
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