There's no stopping the inimitable Priyanka Chopra. After a fashionable arrival at the airport with Nick Jonas and Malti Marie Jonas in tow, the star went on to have a glorious time wearing Indian designer couture at the NMAAC festivities over the weekend. But while the rest of the celebrities hunkered down after the starry celebrations that began the month, Priyanka Chopra only kept going. The actress began the week by promoting her show Citadel on Amazon Prime, which she stars alongside Richard Madden with. For the starry premiere event, Mrs. Chopra Jonas made sure to look every bit the leading lady.
(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Vintage Upcycled Gown Rolls Out Her Personal Red Carpet)
Priyanka wore a strapless blue coloured gown with pleats wrapping around her waist and an oversized bow on the side. Then there was a massive slit which reached her thigh and was surrounded by layers of frill and tulle until the length. Priyanka wore it with a platform pair of black heels with studded ankle straps. Richard Madden was right by her side wearing a black shirt with a grey coloured suit. Black shoes and his piercing blue eyes were all he needed to top this dapper look.
For makeup, wore an exaggerated blue eye makeup look and topped it with mauve cheeks and a plum lip. Her hair was parted at the side and worn sleek and swishy. Drama, thy name is Priyanka Chopra.
(Also Read: On Behalf Of Everyone With Hip Dips, Thank You To The Gorgeous Priyanka Chopra In A Fluid Gold Gown With Black Bow)