Priyanka Chopra arrived in Mumbai last week and ever since then, it has been triumph after triumph for the star. From the airport with Malti Marie Jonas to the NMAAC launch with Nick Jonas, Priyanka had a very fashionable weekend in the city. And that only continued at the Citadel press conference that took place on Monday. With Richard Madden also present, Priyanka Chopra attended the event in Mumbai looking like a goddess in gold. Along with dramatic puffed long sleeves, it led to a plunging neckline that reached her torso. Pleated and ruched around the waist, it was accented with a black bow in the centre. The fluid fabric followed the shape of her body leading to a pleated length that ended at her feet. Paired with the outfit were a sensible pair of black pumps. Priyanka wore her shoulder-length caramel tinted hair in large curls with a parting down the centre. Her makeup was natural and brown toned, which enhanced her complexion magnificently.
(Also Read: It's "Glam With Mama" Time For Malti Marie Jonas As Priyanka Chopra Does Her Makeup)
But beyond just her outfit and makeup, it was her physique that caught our attention. Priyanka's figure-hugging dress revealed the hip dips low on her waist; a natural indent which appears as flatness just below the hip bone. While hip dips are completely natural and occur based on one's body type, in a world where hourglass figures are adored, that doesn't always feel so. Hip dips are often disguised under padded undergarments and digital filters to give the illusion of a full figure with perfectly rounded curves. So it's nice to see a star of Priyanka's stature showcase her body and embrace it beautifully. It's a pleasant reminder that hips dips; and every other physical feature we deem unattractive, is simply a part of the rest of us and deserve to be loved like that. If Priyanka can, so can the rest of us.
(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Vintage Upcycled Gown Rolls Out Her Personal Red Carpet)