Ever since Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh shared the news of becoming parents, we have been truly keeping tabs on Deepika Padukone's maternity style. The actress already is a chic mom-to-be with her impeccable style sensibilities. After her stunning maternity photoshoot with her husband Ranveer Singh, the actress is now stunning us with her ethereal ethnic style. She wore her baby bump in a beautiful emerald green traditional saree as she paid a visit to the Siddhivinayak Temple along with Ranveer Singh. The couple indeed delivered couple goals with their ethnic fits. Deepika's traditional look in a green and gold-toned saree seemed perfect for the festive season. Ranveer complemented her in a chic ivory kurta set.
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Deepika Padukone and her ethnic style are a sight for the eyes. From traditional sarees to contemporary fits, it is always a fashion affair when the actress decides to make a statement. Previously, the actress glistened like a true diva in this stunning shimmery Sabyasachi number that was nothing short of beautiful. A masterpiece in itself, the sleek saree seemed like just something one would need to make heads turn. The actress paired it with a sleek strappy blouse to complete her look.
Deepika Padukone's maternity style is truly topping the charts and this is proof.