The festive season has kickstarted on the right note with the fervour and zeal of Ganesh Chaturthi. Festive season calls for the best ethnic fashion and B-town celebrities seem to have served it right. The latest entry in ethnic style files is of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma as they indulged in the festive fever. The power couple has given a glimpse of their intimate Ganesh Chaturthi celebration that indeed came with a stylish note. For the special occasion, Anushka went with the ultimate traditional route as she opted for a beautiful gold-hued Kanjeevaram silk saree. The drape came with ethereal bright orange borders that added an instant contrast of colour to the overall look. She exuded a completely ethnic vibe with a middle-parted back bun and minimal makeup. Her choice of temple jewellery added an ethereal element to the look. To complement Anushka's style, Virat picked a simple white kurta pajama that features self-embroidered patterns. The couple is definitely giving us serious festive dressing lessons.
Also Read: Virat Kohli And Anushka Sharma Set The Bar High In Barbados With Their Comfy Chic Summer Looks
The couple rarely serves us with an ethnic avatar, but when they do, it surely calls for a fashion celebration. To attend a wedding, the actress wore a fuchsia pink velvet Anarkali suit. She paired it with a sheer dupatta that featured scallop golden embroidery. She notched it up with a minimal element as she ditched the necklace and instead, teamed the look with statement earrings. On the other hand, Virat looked absolutely dapper in his black embroidered kurta paired with a white churidar pyjama. He complemented his look with matching black footwear.
Whether their festive picks or red carpet numbers, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma often exhibit their fondness for clean, elegant silhouettes. Previously, the actress wore a beige saree with a matching blouse for Diwali celebrations at her house. To match up with Anushka, Virat donned an asymmetrical white kurta that came with a front button and was styled to perfection with a matching churidar pajama.
Also Read: Virat And Anushka Presented Personalised Jerseys At Anushka's First-Ever Live FA Cup Final
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma's couple style is upping the fashion quo like never before