Aditya Seal and Anushka Ranjan got married on Sunday. Many Bollywood celebrities attended their wedding ceremony. The stunning traditional outfits worn by the bride and groom have become the talk of the town. Anushka opted for a gorgeous purple lehenga to mark the occasion. She teamed it with a matching heavily embroidered blouse that had quarter-length sleeves. She also carried a dupatta of the same colour on her forehead and looked like one of the prettiest brides out there. Her bridal accessories included a choker-style heavy necklace, dangler earrings, maang tika, silver bangles and silver kaleeras. For makeup, Anushka wore smoky silver eye shadow, sharp contour and nude lip colour. Aditya accompanied the bride in a cream embroidered kurta dhoti set. He wore a matching jacket and a silk dupatta. Don't forget his traditional safa.
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Aditya Seal and Anushka Ranjan looked stylish in all the outfits that they chose for the various wedding functions and rituals. Their sangeet ceremony was a lit affair and they both opted for fabulous outfits. We saw Aditya in a black outfit with silver embellishments while Anushka stayed true to the bold red colour. She wore a red sequin saree and styled her look with silver jewellery, including a necklace, earrings and rings. For makeup, she was seen in dark brows, kohl-rimmed eyes, contoured cheeks and a dash of brown shade on lips. Her sleek hairdo completed the look.
For one of the occasions, Anushka Ranjan wore a gorgeous pastel green lehenga. It was a lime-green lehenga with embroidered blue ivies and sequined embellishments. She also carried a dupatta. For accessories, Anushka opted for a gold necklace and matching earrings. She wore some rings too. She applied shimmery eye shadow, brown lips and styled her hair in curls. Actress Krystle D'Souza also graced the function wearing this stylish outfit.
Anushka Ranjan also gave us a glimpse from her chooda ceremony – a significant ritual that takes place before the wedding. She picked a uber cool look for the occasion. A red top, heavy embroidery dupatta and smart denims. Cool bride, did you say?
Aren't Aditya Seal and Anushka Ranjan the most stylish bride and groom we've seen in recent times?
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