This midweek was a jolly time for the Kapoor family as they celebrated Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's younger son Jeh's third birthday and it indeed was a stylish celebration. The star-studded evening witnessed close family and friends in attendance and among them was Ranbir Kapoor with his daughter Raha. Cute is absolutely an understatement to define Raha's charm. The daddy-daughter duo was spotted at the birthday party as they marked a stylish moment in well-coordinated navy blue looks. Raha looked her chic self in a dark blue dress that featured a flared hem. Her two ponytails and charming personality perfectly completed her OOTD. Ranbir twinned with his daughter in a blue t-shirt paired with beige pants to look his stylish best.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Little Girl Raha Kapoor In Matching Red Shoes Is A Christmas Fashionista In The Making
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's little girl Raha Kapoor is already an adorable mini fashionista. Previously, on Christmas 2023, Raha made her fashionable debut to the world. Apart from her beautiful light hazel eyes, what truly caught all our attention was her cute style. She looked chic in a white sweatshirt paired with a metallic tulle skirt that truly made her the cutest fashion girl on the block. Well, it seemed like the perfect Christmas gift for us.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Powers Up Holiday Style In A Rahul Mishra Floral Pantsuit At Umang 2023
We hope that Raha Kapoor's adorable style keeps on coming
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