Priyanka Chopra has been creating a sensation since forever. Whether it is her take on social issues or her strong sartorial sense, she has always managed to make headlines. Recently, her appearance at the Marshalls Good Stuff Social Club came with an elegant sense of fashion. The multihyphenate's commitment towards helping and empowering women continued with her recent appearance. Priyanka has a boss lady aura that comes with everything that she adorns and for her latest look, she truly gave us some inspiration to bookmark for the fall season. Muted maroons can be boring but trust Priyanka to give it the chicest spin. Her stunning midi dress featured a body-grazing style and the collared pattern added a stylish element to the look.
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off-duty choices have been equally high on the glam quo. Recently, she posted a series of pictures with her husband Nick Jonas and truly, they gave us major couple style goals. While Nick looked dapper in an all-white fit, Priyanka amped up the oomph in a white and black checkered bralette. She paired it with a midi skirt and the jacket added an edgy element to her style.
Boring literally leaves the room when Priyanka Chopra enters it and each public appearance of hers proves it.