Many Bollywood stars have made a bee-line to the polling booths to cast their vote in phase 5 of Lok Sabha Elections 2024. From Shahid Kapoor to Janhvi Kapoor, celebs have also urged fans to fulfil their duty. For voting day, Janhvi Kapoor picked a beautiful fuchsia pink Anarkali suit. The gorgeous outfit came with a plunging V-neckline, quarter sleeves and pleated flowy hem. The outfit was adorned with an overall floral and geometric print. The actress teamed it with a matching churidar and a dupatta, which she carried in a drop-down style. The dupatta featured lyrics of the song Dekha Tenu Pehli Pehli Baar Ve from her upcoming film Mr and Mrs Mahi. For make-up, she kept it minimal, A pair of danglers and flat picktoes sealed her OOTD.
Shah Rukh Khan, Suhana Khan, Gauri Khan, and AbRam Khan
The Khan family showcased their style while casting their votes. SRK wore a black tee and blue denims, while AbRam opted for a white tee with black shorts. Suhana embraced her ethnic side in a blue kurta with white embroidery paired with white pants. Gauri sported a white tee with denim pants.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh
The soon-to-be parents were spotted twinning in a casual cool look. Deepika looked radiant with her pregnancy glow. She wore an oversized white shirt and denim capri. She tied her tresses in a high ponytail and opted for a pair of mules. Ranveer looked dapper in a white shirt and denim jeans.
Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao
Aamir Khan, alongside his ex-wife Kiran Rao, kept it minimal. Aamir wore a black t-shirt and blue denims, while Kiran chose a white peplum top with blue shorts.
Ranbir Kapoor
Going for less is more approach, Ranbir Kapoor appeared in a white shirt, blue denim, and white sneakers. Now that is how you keep it simple, yet manage to steal the fashion headlines.
Kiara Advani
Kiara chose a white chikankari kurta paired with matching straight pants. A dupatta wrapped around her neck added an extra element of style. A pair of shades and juttis completed her traditional look.
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan arrived to cast a vote with his father, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan. As always the actor looked dapper in a black round-neck T-shirt and jeans with a matching cap. Rakesh Roshan on the other hand wore a grey denim shirt with black trousers.
Shilpa Shetty and Shamita Shetty
The Shetty sisters arrived along with their mother to the polling booth. Shilpa wore a blue and white oversized striped shirt and sky-blue straight denim jeans with a pair of sneakers while Shamita looked smart in a sleeveless denim jacket, which she wore atop a grey dress.
Esha Deol and Hema Malini
The mother and daughter duo took the ethnic route. Hema Malini, who is contesting on a BJP ticket from Mathura constituency, looked gorgeous in a peach-hued embellished suit. Esha bloomed like a garden of flowers in her multi-hued floral print suit.
Ira Khan and Junaid Khan
Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and son Junaid Khan arrived together to cast their vote. Ira slipped into an oversized tie-dye grey T-shirt and black tights. Junaid took a super casual route by wearing printed shorts with a black T-shirt.
Manish Malhotra
The fashion maestro opted for an oversized blue jacket with black print, paired with a black tee and pants of the same hue. White sneakers added an extra cool vibe to his look.
Which of these looks were your favourite?
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