Varun Dhawan may not always make snazzy appearances when he steps out in the city but this time, he certainly did. For the occasion of his father David Dhawan's birthday, Varun was spotted in Mumbai for celebrations. The Bollywood actor took the opportunity to turn up in his stylish best. Varun wore a Gucci GG Supreme Canvas Jacket with the brand's signature GG motif covering its canvas. It cost approximately Rs 1,70,000. He paired it with acid washed light blue tight fitted jeans and tan coloured Chelsea boots which matched his jacket. Minimal in pieces, it gained maximum points with its muted tones but suave style quotient.
Get Varun Dhawan's Celebrity Designer Look
Try these celebrity-inspired items, including the Gucci jacket that Varun Dhawan is wearing.
(Also Read: Malaika Arora Looks Snazzy In Her Rs 1.9 Lakh Gucci Blazer And Ripped Jeans Even In The Monsoon Humidity)
Gucci GG Supreme Canvas Jacket
Made with canvas and leather, the jacket has a button-fastened collar, two side flap pockets, elasticated cuffs and elasticated hems.
Approximately Rs 1,70,000
THE INDIAN GARAGE CO Lightly Washed Slim Fit Jeans
The skinny fitted light blue washed jeans come with 5 pockets and belt loops with gentle distressing and a mid-rise waist.
Rs 700, was Rs 1,999
The light brown coloured ankle-high boots have a lace-up fastening and a similar toned outer sole.
Rs 2,475, was Rs 5,499
(Also Read: We've Never Seen An Off-Duty Look As Chic As Rashmika Mandanna's 1.2 Lakh Gucci Knit Top, Trousers And Acrylic Heels)