Rashmika Mandanna looks absolutely fantastic in each and every one of her Instagram posts but how does she fare behind the scenes? Even better, we say. The film star was spotted in Mumbai and gave us a glimpse of her off-duty that scored high on our chic meter. In fact, it could easily make its way to her fashionable selection of social media photos. Rashmika wore a patterned knit top from Gucci in shades of black, cream and red which cost approximately Rs 1,24,000. She opted for a pair of high waist black trousers which had a flared fit and completed it with clear acrylic heels. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and with a bare face, Rashmika went for a glossy lip and spectacles on her face. They don't call her the national crush for nothing, you know.
Get Rashmika Mandanna's Off-Duty Look
Try these celebrity-inspired pieces to get a groomed look like Rashmika Mandanna.
Vero Moda White Knit Top
This knit top for women has a round neckline with three-quarter sleeves and is covered with a black and pink pattern.
Rs 2,499
M&S COLLECTION Jersey Wide Leg Trousers with Stretch
This is a pair of jersey made trousers which have a pull-on high waist that is elasticated with a roomy wide leg.
Rs 1,999
CURIOZZ Block Heeled Sandals with Clear Straps
The sandals have a clear block heel and two transparent horizontal straps across the front with a square-toe rubber sole.
Rs 1,019, was 1,999